Day 40: Faith in Action pt. 2
Prayer focus:
- Matthew 7:24-27 Those people who are listening to Me, those people who hear what I say and live according to My teachings—you are like a wise man who built his house on a rock, on a firm foundation. When storms hit, rain pounded down and waters rose, levies broke and winds beat all the walls of that house. But the house did not fall because it was built upon rock. Those of you who are listening and do not hear—you are like a fool who builds a house on sand. When a storm comes to his house, what will happen? The rain will fall, the waters will rise, the wind will blow, and his house will collapse with a great crash.
- Matthew 5:16 You are like that illuminating light. Let your light shine everywhere you go, that you may illumine creation, so men and women everywhere may see your good actions, may see creation at its fullest, may see your devotion to Me, and may turn and praise your Father in heaven because of it.
- What is the difference between the wise man and the foolish man?
- How well is your faith being translated into action?
- What is one action you can do today to shine for God?
Prayer focus:
- Pray for the Lord to give you a solid faith foundation.
- Pray for family members to have a solid foundation in Christ.
- Pray for our church to be a compelling presence for Christ!
Day 1: Spending Time with GodDay 2: Sitting at the feet of JesusDay 3: When you prayDay 4: Spend time in worship todayDay 5: SurrenderDay 6: ConfessionDay 7: Fix your eyes on JesusDay 8: DistractionsDay 9: WorryDay 10: GraceDay 11: Strength through weaknessDay 12: ThirstyDay 13: God's faithfulnessDay 14: Anxiety
Day 15: DirectionDay 16: WisdomDay 17: Scripture pt. 1Day 18: Scripture pt. 2Day 19: Scripture pt. 3Day 20: Prayer pt. 1Day 21: Prayer pt. 2Day 22: Prayer pt. 3Day 23: Prayer pt. 4Day 24: Prayer pt. 5Day 25: The Gospel pt. 1Day 26: The Gospel pt. 2Day 27: The Gospel pt. 3Day 28: The Gospel pt. 4Day 29: Faith pt. 1Day 30: Faith pt. 2Day 31: Faith pt. 3Day 32: Rest pt. 1Day 33: Rest pt. 2Day 34: Rest pt. 3Day 35: Children of GodDay 36: Church pt. 1Day 37: Church pt. 2Day 38: Church pt. 3Day 39: Faith in Action pt. 1Day 40: Faith in Action pt. 2
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